Too hesitant to travel? Why?

Medi Bliss Transaction
4 min readJul 30, 2021


Have you ever watched or read about an exotic place in any of those travel channels on TV or blogs on the internet and said “Wow, I should definitely visit this place”? You might have gone ahead and looked up online for some travel deals and destinations a hundred and one times too. But then after some time you end up ditching the plans, and return to your otherwise boring and routine life, with the feelings of dissatisfaction, doubt, and disbelief. Did this ever happen to you? If your answer is “Well of course, this happens all the time” then this article is for you.

Let me tell you that it is not your fault. In a lot of cases fear is to blame. Yes, fear has the power to stop you from travelling. There could be a thousand reasons you are letting fear pull you down from going on that vacation. A lot of people are too scared to leave their home-sweet-home because they are afraid that something worse would happen or everything would fall apart, the order, job, kids, family etc., every little thing back home would be disturbed while they are away. They think about all the worst scenarios that could happen and drop the idea of travelling altogether. But they don’t ever try to think about how they would solve those disturbances which are not even real. So next time you get a chance to travel and this fear is holding you back, then just tell yourself that you would figure out everything, no problem is too big to solve, just go and forget about it. You surely know how to restore the order, after all that is what you have been doing for ages now.

Fear of dealing with the unknown, fear of not being understood due to language differences, inferiority complexes, fear of facing undesirable and uncomfortable situations or getting into an accident in a faraway land, fear of getting lost could be some of the other reasons that are holding you back. All these fears are possibilities, but need not be your reality. Others’ travel experiences may not be a template for you. Sure, you should listen to their stories and learn from them, but remember, yours is a brand-new journey.

If you are going to a place that’s new to you, then do your research and prepare yourself, look it up guys. This research will give you some confidence to put those fearful thoughts behind you. Language barrier is not a problem at all these days. We find language translators all over the internet and also some excellent local language hand books which include the most common sentences. Get one of them and be assured. Fear of getting injured or getting lost? Well, what can I say about these irrational fears? The chances you’ll get hurt seriously are generally very slim. And also, there are doctors and medical staff in every nook and corner of the world. Get yourself internationally insured for medical services. This might leave you in some peace maybe. And set up that GPS on your phone for the place you are about to visit to make sure that you can find your way back in case you are lost… But getting lost is not all that bad, you might end up making the best memories of your life.

Well, let me conclude this by telling you that fear is a feeling that stops you from doing a lot of things. Don’t let it grow, instead find and list out the reasons for that fear and try to think of all the possible solutions too. Lets face it, all of us have fears. Conquer the “fear” fellow and live life the way you want to… After all, life is too short to have regrets. And trust me, the regret of not travelling enough is just too big to carry.

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